The emptiness in politics

Much more than a silent atmosphere, a sense of decadence and emptiness, of abandonment and degradation, a perception of disappearance… The prevalent metaphor amongst images, from the parable of politics,  from its all too invasive triumph of excess and intrusions, redundant in its omnipotence, to its implosion and its disappearance into nothing.
These pictures [which go back to 1990, well before the collapse of the traditional political parties which we are seeing at present] call attention to a sentiment of indignation which turns into suffering. They do not just allude to the disuse of the way of communicating, already out of date and obsolete during the time of the present democracy and instant communications, but recalls the unsustainable thoughtlessness of political objectives, the adulteration of language, the emptiness of its proposals and projects up until  its ratification, in a common destiny of progressive irrelevance of the political parties. This scenario gives us an atmosphere of greyness and mediocrity that no light can redeem. A sequence of pitiful images, photography without any illusion. (Paolo Corsini)